The Art of Muscle Testing
Muscle testing is also known as Applied Kinesiology – not to be confused with the science of kinesiology (which is the study of how the human body moves). Fun fact: Applied Kinesiology utilizes Newton’s Law of Motion within the scale of the human body! So: ‘for every action in nature’ means that any internal condition our body is experiencing ‘has an equal and opposite reaction’ or measurable muscle weakness. The muscle reaction is strong in response to a positive (or ‘yes’) answer, and weakens with a negative (or ‘no’) answer.
Your body is wired energetically to gravitate toward positivity and away from negativity. What? Yes!
Muscle Testing with the Emotion Code
When I’m working with The Emotion Code on a client, I muscle test myself – sounds crazy, right?! It’s called testing via ‘surrogate’ – in this case, I make myself the surrogate for my client. All of us have an energy field about 6 feet in diameter around our bodies in all directions (more on this subject at a later date!) So as long as I am sitting within that radius of my client, I am able to test their body via surrogate. This is a quicker, more effective way to work. There are several methods, one of which you can try at home – it’s called the Sway Test.
When using the sway test, stand comfortably with your feet hip-width apart. Then I like to picture the center of my body, nice and straight, and maybe take a slow neck roll to get to a neutral posture. Next, close your eyes and practice with positive thoughts to sway forward, and negative thoughts to sway backward. Try thinking about ‘love’ and what it means to you, then about ‘fear’ and something that scares you. Did it work? Tell me about it in the comments below!
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